I loved this post. It’s great learning about how you’ve carved out more time for a creative life and how you’ve built up your confidence along the way. And how neat that you now have a “writing studio”! (That’s a “one day” dream of mine)!

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Mallary I’m so glad it spoke to you. Thanks for being here and appreciate you taking the time to write.

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I loved reading this. We are taught in our medical training that the best way to be is the most fancypants, most peer-reviewed, longest-CV doctor, in order to make meaningful change. It has taken me years of unlearning - first to even believe in my worth and legitimacy as "just" a clinician (especially when close friends and former co-fellows are pursuing research).

But help is help is help; my friends can help people by seeing quarternary-level cases at their big research institutions, I can help by seeing bread and butter cases, they can help by speaking at conferences, I can help by writing my substack and reaching people that way, more than I can at the bedside in a day.

We are not suffering from an excess of access in our medical system, only the opposite; so if anyone who has the skills and training can be available to help people in any capacity (especially in this era of misinformation and predatory Big Wellness nonsense), it all counts.

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Ahh I’m so glad this touched you Vicky. Yes yes yes to everything you just wrote. Why do we idolize “fancy” anyway? What is “fancy” ? And who decides??

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Thanks for this! If you were start the microblogging endeavor today, would you use Instagram? I’d love to hear your advice for an aspiring MD writer, though am so averse to Instagram.

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