Welcome to Real Self-Care
Hi! I’m Dr. Pooja Lakshmin. I’m a board-certified psychiatrist, a clinical assistant professor at George Washington University School of Medicine, and the author of the book Real Self-Care (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble-Baths Not Included).
After Real Self-Care came out in March 2023, I realized even though I had written the book, I still had so much more to say about self-care. I needed a place to put those thoughts and a way to get them out into the world. Real Self-Care, the newsletter, is my attempt at bringing a dose of real self-care to your inboxes.
The letters I write vary from quick tips and reflections, prescriptive prompts for you to practice and put into action, analysis of what’s going on in the world, life updates, and answering reader questions.
Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand and who writes
said: “Dr. Pooja Lakshmin brings clarity and truthfulness to the pursuit of mental health. If you are looking to find yourself amidst the chaos and the noise, look no further than Pooja.”Anya Kamenetz, former NPR education reporter who writes
said “Pooja is doing amazing work and showing her vulnerability at the same time. Real Self Care is a must read and so is this newsletter.”About the Author
Dr. Pooja Lakshmin is a board-certified psychiatrist, a New York Times contributor, and the author of the bestseller REAL SELF-CARE: A Transformative Program for Redefining Wellness (Crystals, Cleanses, and Bubble Baths Not Included), which was named an NPR Best Book of 2023. Pooja has been on the faculty at George Washington University School of Medicine since 2016, and she maintains a private practice. She lives in Austin Texas with her toddler, her partner Justin, and her two cats, Kitty and Fifi.
You can learn more about me at my website www.poojalakshmin.com.